Agnostic Guides
Solution Guide

Utilities: Link Maintenance


Link Maintenance allows a simple tool to maintain ArchiveLink links.

This is often used after client refreshes in order to "reset" the links in non-production environments as well.

This utility differs from the Attachment List Dashboard in that allows for multiple links to be deleted at one time while the dashboard only allows for one deletion at a time. 

To execute Link Maintenance, enter transaction /dflow/sys and choose the menu path Configure->Dashboards->Link Manager->Mass Maintenance.

Make sure to limit the search results by at least a Doctype and Archive ID (required fields) to help narrow down the results.  

This utility can also be run in the background for large processing to be completed in the background to avoid timeout issues with foreground/dialogue processing.



Sample Value(s)

Test Only

If selected the actual processing of the ArchiveLink entries will only be simulated and not actually run.

Production System Override

If selected this allows for ArchiveLink entries to be adjusted in a production environment.  

Wipe ArchiveLink Links

If selected the ArchiveLink entries filtered on will be deleted from the underlying ArchiveLink tables.

Link Table (eg: TOA01)

The link table to restrict processing on.


SAP Object

The SAP business object in particular to filter the ArchiveLink entries on.


Object ID

A particular unique object id to filter the ArchiveLink entries on.  This unique object id will only be unique to a particular SAP business object so make sure to include additional filter criteria.


Archive ID

The ArchiveLink repository to filter the ArchiveLink entries on.



The content management system document id in particular to filter the ArchiveLink entries on.



The ArchiveLink document type to filter the ArchiveLink entries on.


Archive Date

The ArchiveLink archive date to filter the ArchiveLink entries on.



The ArchiveLink reserve entry to filter the ArchiveLink entries on.