Box Connection
Folder Operations
Update Folder
This method will Update an existing Folder in box. The method allows for optionally updating the Cascade policy.
Input Parameters:
- Folder ID: ID of the folder to update
- Cascade Conflict Policy: If a Cascade Policy already exists on the folder, this setting determines how TRex should handle reconciling. See 'Setting Metadata Values' in the following section on how to set the Cascade Policy.
- Overwrite Existing: Overwrite the Cascade Policy with the new value
- Keep Existing: Keep the existing Cascading Policy
Setting Metadata Values:
NOTE: TRex only supports setting a single Enterprise Metadata Template and values during Update Folder. To add additional metadata templates and values to the document, use an additional 'Update Folder' method.
- Metadata Values: These are the values for either Enterprise Metadata (defined in a metadata template) or Global Metadata (string value pairs directly attributed to a document)
- Click on the pencil icon in the top right to edit the definition of metadata
- Drag an 'Available Parameter' from the Available Parameters to the middle section called 'Defined Parameters'
- There are four types of Parameters
- Description: This allows the setting of the description on the document. No additional configuration/naming is required. The name should be left as 'Description' and the datatype left as 'String'
- Enable Cascade On: Turns on Cascading of metadata from the Folder to any children contained within. The string list provided should be configured with the names of the Enterprise Templates to turn on the Cascade feature
- Enterprise Metadata Value: This allows setting of Enterprise Metadata that is defined on a pre-defined Metadata Template.
- Name: This is required to be the name of the metadata value defined in Box. It will include the Metadata Template name that it is assoicated with. (e.g. trexMetadata.trexTextField)
- Data Type: The type value assigned in the Box metadata definition
- Global Metadata Value: This allows the setting of key/value pair strings to be added to a document
- Name: This should match the metadata value of a Custom Attribute already defined on the document. it will always be prefixed with the value 'document' followed by the name of the box value (e.g. document.trexMyCustomString)