Agnostic Guides
Solution Guide

Execution: Load


Loading the migration table sets the stage for:

  • what content is to be migrated and from what source (a Gimmal Link endpoint, file, SAP content server, SAP DB)
  • any SAP repository ID or doctype mapping (via configuration)
  • where the content is to be migrated to (ie: what Gimmal Link endpoint repository ID)

This can be done using 3 separate "Source" methods:

  1. ArchiveLink Links
  2. .CSV file containing file references and required ArchiveLink data
  3. Custom ABAP Class-Method
  4. Content stored in your SAP database

Regardless of the method used, it is highly recommended to enter a useful descriptor/tag that identifies this migration run.

You can run the load process in test mode without making any chances to the load table.

The results of the Load phase are displayed on the screen according to the option "Display Results in ALV" checkbox. If this option is chosen, all entries are displayed in the ALV report format, else a simple message indicating the number of entries loaded successfully, with info message, or errors is displayed.

If ALV is chosen, the header will display information as to the breakdown of entries loaded successfully, with info message, or errors.

Be careful when choosing "Display Results in ALV" as for large datasets this will significantly increase runtime and potential SAP system memory usage and timeouts. It is therefore suggested to use the "Display" mode of the migrator afterwards instead of displaying the results in ALV format.

Clicking on the source or target hotspot/hyperlink in the ALV allows you to view the image.

The DocManager rule and/or metadata mapping does not happen at the Load stage. This is done in the Migrate phase.

No additional flags are set at this stage, as the Load phase creates the entries in the migration table.

ArchiveLink Links

This method relies entirely on existing link entries in your ArchiveLink link tables (TOA01, etc).

  1. Specify the parameters in the section "Source ArchiveLink Selection Criteria" to determine which entries will be read by the DocMigrator
  2. Each entry found will equate to an entry in the load table
  3. Before writing the entry to the load table, DocMigrator reads the DocMigrator configuration to determine repository ID and doctype mapping

The source of this content must be accessible through an ArchiveLink content server or equivalent to be read.

.CSV File

This method relies entirely on an input .CSV file that you compile yourself to add entries to the Migration table. The source type of these entries are data files only (ie: you cannot use this method to load ArchiveLink link entries into the migration table).

The .CSV file must follow the below columns, in order:

  • sap_object
  • object_id
  • archiv_id
  • arc_doc_id
  • ar_object
  • ar_date
  • del_date (optional)
  • reserve (this must align with your viewing platform, thus either * or file extension)
  • source file path
  • source file name

These files must be accessible by the DocMigrator program, be sure to take into consideration if the migration run will be executed in the background (and therefore the files must be accessible by the SAP server).

Custom ABAP Class-Method

This method relies entirely on an ABAP class-method that you can develop yourself to add entries to the Migration table, which takes the form of ArchiveLink links.

Refer to /DFLOW/CL_MIGRATOR_HELPER=>GET_ABAP_LINKS_EXAMPLE for an example of this logic.

The custom class method MUST set the following:

ArchiveLink Source:

    • = "A" for ArchiveLink content server
    • = "D" for Gimmal Link ECM
  • sap_object
  • object_id
  • archiv_id
  • arc_doc_id
  • ar_object
  • ar_date
  • del_date (optional)
  • reserve (this must align with your viewing platform, thus either * or file extension)

SAP Database

With the information available to us for this as a source being limited, this method relies on specifying and SAP Business Object and the corresponding object ID "range".

Not that as part of the LOAD phase, unlike the other sources, mime-type and therefore extension (reserve) will not be known until migration is executed (or even in validation mode).

An example would be "EQUI" for Equipment, and then specifying the object ID "range", ie: the equipement numbers that you like to migrate the content for.

Select either/both Attachments or Notes options. The SAP Object and Object ID (the SAP Key) are optional. If you are unsure of what is in your database, you can run this wide open to see!