Repository Specific Guides
Link Enterprise for M365
Installation and Base Configur...

Configure app within M365 Account


Using M365 SharePoint as a Gimmal Link Enterprise repository you will need to ensure that the Enterprise Connector is configured and able to connect to the Microsoft graph API. You must create an enterprise application via the Microsoft Azure portal to complete this procedure. This will require an account with appropriate level of permissions to grant correct access rights to a user (connector user) using the graph API when inside the azure portal. 

You can either self-grant access or have an admin grant access to the graph API and its corresponding access rules inside the azure portal if and only if that user has authority to grant access to those rules. 

The following steps below outline this process: 

I. Visit and login with appropriate credentials.

II. Click on Azure Active Directory

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III. Under Manage select

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IV. Click on

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V. Type in an appropriate name for application.

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VI. Click Register

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VII. Under manage click on manifest, and look for "allowPublicClient", ensure this is set to True, for example '"allowPublicClient":true,' and then click save.

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VIII. Click on API permissions under manage, and click on add a permission. Click on Microsoft graph, then click on application permissions. Select all options as per your organizations security policies, but allow Sites.ReadWrite.All at a minimum.

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IX. Click on owners, and add owners for all accounts that will use the connector. (optional)

X. Log in under an account with admin permissions and grant consent to the previous API rules, the button is located in the screenshot below.

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XI. Under app registrations click on endpoints and note down your oauth 2.0 token endpoint url. You will need this url later for base configuration of the connector detailed in the step Base Gimmal Link Enterprise Connector Configuration - Gimmal Link ECM only.

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XII. Click on overview, and note down the application id, located in the below screenshot. Note down the application id, along with the username, email and password and OAuth 2.0 Token Endpoint URL for base configuration of the connector detailed in the step Base Gimmal Link Enterprise Connector Configuration - Gimmal Link ECM only.

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